Skittles Brightens the Facebook

There are some brands you fan for utilitarian purposes - coupons, event invites, product news and then there are some you fan because they make you laugh, make you think, perhaps just brighten your day. Skittles is one of those brands for me.  With ridiculous posts like

If flamingos are so shy, why do they paint themselves pink? or Told Ma Rainbow I wanted a pet dinosaur and she gave me a thesaurus.

They simply make me happy.  And sure they don't have much to do with the candy itself, but I would argue they have a much greater impact than the ordinary event invite, coupon, etc. They create a positive association between the brand and the consumer. They give the brand a personality. In short, they make me like Skittles in a way that I don't have a connection with Milk Duds or even the brightly wrapped Starburst.

It's quite easy to do the obvious. It's harder to create a connection. Pick a personality that is interesting, uplifting or intriguing and stick with it. Watch to see what happens.