Five Tips for Writing Effective Social Ads

If you’re looking for a cost effective way to advertise, social ads should be on your list. With a self-service platform and the ability to create and post an ad within minutes, social ads are undoubtedly an attractive proposition. That said, there’s an art form to creating ad copy that actually gets results. We share five tips for making your social ad campaign successful.

  1. Determine your objective. It’s important to know what your end goal is since that will determine what type of campaign will work best. Most platforms charge per result so you want your budget to be directed in the most effective way. If your goal is to get as many eyeballs as possible on your brand or product, then an “awareness” ad could be key; if it’s to grow your audience, you may want to opt for a “like” campaign. There are nuances between lead campaigns (getting people to sign up, register, or take action on your site) versus web traffic campaigns (driving people to your website). You’ll want a clear objective to get the best results.

  2. Determine your audience. Social ads allow you to target down to the zip code and tap into a wealth of data from standard demographics to interests. Make sure you take advantage of this info so you are delivering your ad to the people who may be most interested. Think about targets like the stores where your product is sold or competitors’ pages.

  3. Have a single call-to-action. Tell people what you are offering, how it benefits them, and what to do next. Lead with value whenever possible and think, “what’s in it for them,” versus what’s in it for you.

  4. Make sure the voice resonates with your target audience. Always stay on brand but make sure you are using word choices, terms, and even emojis that speak to your target audience. You want to be a part of their feed in a natural way.

  5. Align all elements. The copy should align with the picture and your audience’s interests. If you are selling athletic wear, for example, the image should reflect someone being active and the audience target should include people who have exercising, running, or maybe even a brand like Nike as an interest.

Those are five of our favorite tips but be sure to let us know yours in the comments below, and by all means always test and learn. The beauty of social ads is that the best creative rises to the top. Look for patterns and do more of what works well. Be sure to follow us on social for more ad tips!