Shifting from Influencer to Ambassador

Most people’s foray into influencer marketing involves a sponsored post or perhaps an unboxing video. While working with influencers in a certain market to create grassroots buzz can be very beneficial some marketers are also looking to build longer term relationships that are ongoing. We’ve pulled together three tips on how to deepen an influencer relationship to more of an ambassador.

  1. Work with people who have proven themselves. Take a look at past influencer efforts and see who has created quality content in a timely manner. If you’ve had to hound someone to produce content the first time, he or she probably isn’t the partner for the long run.

  2. Make sure values align. A one-off post is one thing, but if the influencer is going to be an extension of your team you want to make sure that their values do reflect well on your brand. Look through past posts and don’t be afraid to talk with them and help them understand what your company stands for to head off any differences from the get go.

  3. Clearly lay out expectations. Like any good relationship be sure to let them know what you expect in an ongoing partnership and what they should expect whether that’s monetary or product. Make sure you both feel good about the agreed upon goals like a specific number of posts every month and hold each other accountable.

We’ll share more tips in future posts but don’t hesitate to share your thoughts in the comments below or on social media. If you’re looking to kick off an influencer or ambassador program check out IPG, our influencer division.