Three Ways to Drive to E-Com Traffic from Instagram

No hyperlink? No problem. Instagram has evolved over the years with features that can help you drive from the feed to your online store despite not allowing hyperlinks in body copy. Here are three ways to drive traffic without having to turn to a third party app.

  1. Bio: No longer do you have to sign up for a service like LinkTree to have multiple links. With Instagram’s latest changes you can now add multiple links to bios. Just be sure to revisit your profile and remove outdated links from time to time.

  2. Stories: Stats show stories are one of the most viewed pieces of content on Instagram. The link sticker on Instagram Stories makes driving traffic easy just copy and paste the URL.

  3. Ads: Nothing drives more web traffic than more impressions, and nothing drives impressions like paying META. Using META’s self service ad manager you can set up traffic campaigns to a targeted audience on Instagram.

Let us know what link tips you’ve learned lately in the comments and follow us on social for more discussions.