Most Popular Hashtags of 2017


2017 was a big year for the hashtag helping social users curate content and gain momentum around political issues and social movements. We dive into the top 4 hashtags of 2017.


This hashtag inspired a global movement for people to share their stories of sexual abuse and harassment after allegations of rape and sexual harassment in Hollywood. Used more than six million times, Americans and others around the world have a better understanding of the magnitude of the issue, which has helped bring awareness.


#TakeAKnee generated 1.2 million tweets within three days. It came about when NFL players knelt prior to the start of their football games during the national anthem. The movement began with Colin Kaepernick in protest to racial injustice and police brutality.


The Women’s March took place on January 21, 2017, which was the day after the inauguration of President Trump. This was a large movement for gender equality and human rights, and also symbolized a protest against Trump and his ideologies. The hashtag received 2,610,079,2000 impressions from 544,830 posts.


Representing the movement to fight the Dakota Access Pipeline due to its proximity to sacred grounds and the potential to contaminate drinking water, this hashtag sprung up on Twitter with more than 5 million tweets. It brought awareness to Native Civil Rights and led to the largest gathering of Native Americans in 100 years.

What hashtags do you think will trend in 2018? Comment below!