Facebook’s Algorithm: 3 Best Ways Brands Can Win


Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement about the changes Facebook is making this year, includes focusing less on helping you find relevant content to helping you have more meaningful social interactions. What does this mean? Great for the everyday user, not so great for brands. In turn, business are concerned about their organic reach. Outside of spending more on social ads, we break down the 3 best ways your brand can succeed on social and beat the algorithm.

Leverage Video

Facebook gets over 8 billion average daily video views. Video content drives higher engagement and is a way to draw users in and keep them fixated on your content. Take it a step further and go live. 20% of Facebook videos are live streams. Interest peaks with live content because users want to know what’s going on at the exact moment. More businesses are using live content for groundbreakings, product reveals, contests, etc.

Create Discussions

Ask questions to spur conversations. Get to know fans instead of just focusing on the number of  engagements. Facebook has picked up on “engagement bait”, posts telling users to like, share, or tag people in posts. Because of this detection, reach with cheap call to actions like these, will decrease. If appropriate post content that is worthy of debate, and people will naturally comment if it’s a topic that resonates with them.

Less Links, More Photos

If you can turn what needs to be said into a visual, go for it. There's an 87% more engagement on Facebook with visuals. Use custom graphics like Canva for infographics or quotes. Don’t shy away from GIF’s or memes. Directing people to a landing page with links won’t help your chances of getting a post in front of the right eyes. Facebook doesn’t respond well to posts veering people off its site. But if a link is necessary shorten it with Bitly.

Organic reach for branded Facebook pages is 2% on average.  Don’t let this stop you. Know other ways to beat the Facebook at its own game? Comment below.