Promoting Tastings on Social Media

If you’re a brand looking to promote a tasting or event on social there are three avenues to think about: 1. The retailer or account’s social media, 2. Your brand’s social media and 3. Third-Party Amplifiers like Influencers or Media.

The Event Location / Retailer: The better you can arm a retailer with branded assets and info, the more likely they are going to promote to their audience. Think about sharing social media friendly images and videos (the right size, the right video length) as well as a few suggested captions they can tweak. Make it easy and simple for their team and be sure to get the info in the hands of the right people.

Your Brand’s Social Media: Getting the word out to your own audience is obvious, but if you are a spirits brand know there are some legalities to showing account favoritism. Try to promote three or more locations to stay on the up-and-up and be sure to tag accounts so they can easily re-share.

Influencers or Media: On the Influencer side, think about inviting them to the event or giving them a VIP treatment or mailer in order for them to promote to their audience on your behalf. On the PR side, if you secure coverage through pitching media, they’ll often share the event coverage on social with their followers.

At the end of the day anything you can do to reach a new audience is key. Tell us how you promote events on social below and continue the conversation - @thegosocial.