
Eat. Drink. Social: Our Top Three Episodes

Stuck inside? We’ve rounded up the top three episodes of our podcast for you to listen to at home. 

  1. JCPEats, a Kentucky-based foodie who shares how he’s used food pics to overcome weight issues.

  2. Comino Food Stories, a Colorado-based storyteller who celebrates hospitality and industry workers.

  3. Borderlands Bakery, a former Food Network and Netflix contender who spills her baking secrets.

Featured Event: Colorado Bartenders Guild

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The Colorado Bartenders Guild has helped its own in a big way through its Colorado Family Meal program. For every $10 donation, the organization provides three meals, up to twice a week, for out-of-work hospitality and service industry employees in need. By using traditional PR tactics, we were able to help spread the message by securing features in 5280 Magazine, Westword, Denver Business Journal, 303 Magazine and The Denver Post. To donate to the initiative, visit their website here.

New Features

  • Bored at home? Try #HappyAtHome. TikTok launched a new entertainment and information initiative where users can engage with celebrities and ask questions of experts on the social platform.

  • Facebook has made it easier for people to stay in touch amid the COVID-19 lockdowns with their new Coronavirus Community Hub for Messenger.

  • Thought video chat was just for FaceTime? Think again. Instagram has added a new Co-Watching feature where users can connect via video chat with the option to search through Instagram content together.

Pinterest has made it easy to explore popular and timely ideas with their new Today tab.

To Try in April: Leveraging Influencers

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We believe now is as good of time as any to tap influencers in order to get your message out. That said, how you do that may need to be tweaked given the current environment. In our latest blog post we take a look at three ways to leverage influencers during the COVID-19 outbreak. Read more here...