Tips for Hosting an Instagram Giveaway


One tactic for growing your fanbase quickly is an Instagram giveaway. Like every platform, Instagram has its own quirks to how it operates. We share some tips from past giveaways to help you navigate your next one.

  1. Giveaways don’t have to be elaborate or expensive. The prize can be minimal if the ask is fairly minimal (comment or tag on the contest post as an entry). We’ve seen good success with prize packs that are valued at $15. Also consider giving away multiple prizes so people think their chances of winning are better and more likely to participate.

  2. Keep it simple. We see many accounts asking people to follow a slew of partners in order to enter. We’ve found that people don’t want to clog their feed with accounts that they didn’t want to follow in the first place. Keep it focused to your own account or one partner and you may see better results.

  3. Make it fun. Yes you can ask someone to tag a friend but you can also have them answer a quirky question that ties back to your brand. It may be something as simple as naming the first place they tried your brand.

  4. Partner with influencers. If you want to extend your reach beyond your own fanbase consider a giveaway on influencer’s platform through a paid partnership. Tapping into someone else’s audience that is engaged is a great way to reach new people, just make sure the influencer’s values and content are aligned with your brand.

  5. Be clear and specific. Include a call-to-action in your post copy so people know exactly how to enter and encourage them to use contest-related hashtags to easily track entries.

  6. Cross-promote. Tap into all your resources to help promote the giveaway from Facebook to Twitter as well as your email database. The more traffic you drive the more successful the giveaway can be.

What tips have worked for you when it came to Instagram giveaways? Tell us on social or in the comments below.